
is located at Jl. Menganti Lidah Kulon no. 309, West Surabaya. Sumberpoly has been operational since 2009. Several reasons why Sumberpoly chose Jl. Menganti Lidah Kulon as its location:

1. located close to many private residence in West Surabaya and Gresik area

2. free parking space (20 motorcycles and 6 cars), free from traffic jam and flood

Polycentre, Sumberpoly, Metropoly and Deltapoly sell variety of canopy roof, fence/gate along with other equipment/complement such as:

  1. Polycarbonate (various brands & colors)
  2. Non-polycarbonate (fiber, galvalum, polyvinyl, plastic, etc)
  3. Stainless steel (square pipe, round pipe, elbow pipe, plate, waterway, rod, etc)
  4. Non-stainless steel (square pipe, round pipe, elbow pipe, plate, waterway, rod, etc)
  5. Accessories (welding electrode, gate ornament, bolt/dynabolt, silicone glue, album/roof catalogue, etc)

Polycentre, Sumberpoly, Metropoly and Deltapoly‘s operational hours starts from Monday to Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m (except Sunday and national holidays)

Polycentre, Sumberpoly, Metropoly and Deltapoly provide pipe cutting and pipe bending service. Pipe bending service can be applied to stainless steel or steel round pipe, which has maximum pipe diameter of 2 inch with certain radius.

Please contact us for any question about Polycentre/Sumberpoly/Metropoly/Deltapoly’s products.

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